3 Tips to Get You Through The Busy Season

It’s 39 days until Christmas! Where did 2017 go?!  It’s been a roller coaster of a ride and there is no time busier than November and December when the invitations come piling in and you have no bandwidth to fit it all in. In fact, you have just enough energy in the tank to make it to the finish line. Our hectic schedules will take a toll and we all know we are not our best selves when we are exhausted. I don’t know about you but an exhausted Griselda is not a charming Griselda.


Well, we have 3 tips to help you make it through the period without burning out.

  1. Let Go of Control & Delegate – you don’t have to do everything yourself. Let go of control and make better use of the support network around you. Do you have a team, internal or external that you can lean on?
  2. Pass on the opportunity – A lot of invitations come in around this time. Many end-of-year dinners, events, and parties. You cannot make all of them but there are members of your team who will enjoy the experience of these events. They will appreciate the opportunity and be grateful. Send them to that dinner invitation that you cannot attend. They will appreciate it.
  3. Take time to be more fully present at those things that you do commit to doing during this time. There is no point filling up your calendar with activity but not making the most of them. 

Choose wisely and use this time as a stepping stone for even greater success in 2018.

This December 1st, Forward Ladies from all over the country will be converging in Yorkshire for a day of inspirational talks, life stories, awards celebration, and networking. Expect to hear life lessons, insights and inspiration from women from diverse backgrounds. Those who have gone the extra mile and are keen to help you with your own journey.

Come and make connections that will shape your life in 2018 and of course take home bags of goodies that are worth more than the ticket prices! BOOK HERE

Join us if you can, if not – please pass on the opportunity to someone else who needs it.

Enjoy the season and see you soon.
