5 Incredible TED Talks to Help You Keep Stress at Bay 

As April is a Stress Awareness month we have pulled together a list of five TED Talks to help you get rid of stress this spring.

1. How to make stress your friend by Kelly McGonigal

[youtube id=”RcGyVTAoXEU” width=”600″ height=”340″ position=”left”]

2. How to stay calm when you know you’ll be stressed by Daniel Levitin

[youtube id=”8jPQjjsBbIc” width=”600″ height=”340″ position=”left”]

3. Your body language shapes who you are by Amy Cuddy

[youtube id=”Ks-_Mh1QhMc” width=”600″ height=”340″ position=”left”]

4. Agile programming—for your family by Bruce Feiler

[youtube id=”J6oMG7u9HGE” width=”600″ height=”340″ position=”left”]

5. The gift and power of emotional courage by Susan David

[youtube id=”NDQ1Mi5I4rg” width=”600″ height=”340″ position=”left”]

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