Yesterday I hosted my annual Goal Setting Masterclass and shared my 7 Step Process for setting and achieving my personal goals – yes I am one of those people who has a process for everything.
As a student and practitioner of the psychology and the science of success, it is one of my favourite topics to learn and teach. I had a lot of questions on how to get the most out of the new year.
Those who joined us walked away with confidence and excitement to put their 2022 goals in place and a plan for achieving them – even in the face of time poverty, adversity, self doubt, rejection, and constantly fighting fear and failure.
The biggest takeaway for most people was the importance of daily, weekly, and monthly reflective practice. This reflection is crucial for learning lessons and developing habits to support our ambitious goals.
You can do your reflective practice on your own or with a partner, sister, girlfriend, trusted friend, or team member.
The idea is that before you set your goals, you spend time reflecting on the past year – month by month or even week by week so you can identify the significant or challenging events and what contributed to making them so.
Try it.
(You can sign up here to watch a replay of the masterclass if you missed it.)
The masterclass was based on my new Goal Achiever Planner my system for staying on track throughout the year. I firmly believe that the secret to life’s success lies in our daily schedule and plan. I am also not the first person to say this.
We are shipping the non-dated Goal Achiever Planners with free postage this week.
If you haven’t had a chance to look at grabbing your Goal Achiever Planner then this is your chance to do so.Grab your copy and grab one for a friend or significant other. They will thank you for it.
So whatever your experience over the past year, give yourself the best start and opportunity to make 2022 your best year yet.
Take care,
Griselda Togobo
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