Are you stuck in a rut? Are you jumping out of bed each morning filled with exuberance for the day or are you dreading it because you have over-committed yourself and now feel exhausted and pressured to keep achieving? Well then, it’s time to make some changes. No big reinventions but just a few tweaks to help you get back in touch with what nurtures and inspires you.
Words: Griselda Togobo; Image: Pexels;
Start here with these 7 ideas that will re-energise and reconnect you to what matters the most:
1. Start saying, “yes!” to the ideas and projects that fill you with passion, even if they scare you. Ask yourself, when you did something new and go for it. Commit yourself wholeheartedly to it? You are what you do, so spend time on the things that matter to you. Learn about “The Art of Possible” & stay positive.
2. Start saying, “no!” to the ideas and projects that do not inspire you and fill you with dread and anxiety. So you have time to do more of point 1.
3. Stop trying to please everyone. You cannot lead your life doing things simply because you are afraid of what other people will say about you.
4. Do something for YOU. Yes, put yourself on your today list. Get on with it – you are worth it. It’s not about pedicures or manicures. It’s about giving yourself the gift to simply have the mental space to ponder on what matters most to you – no appointment to be kept.
Click to tweet: “Invest in as much of yourself as you can, you are your own biggest asset by far.”
5. Pause, rest, stop – yes time to reflect on how the day is going and adjust if needed. If you are about to burn out, you are not going to be making it very far and you can rest assured you are not making the best decisions! Here are some more tips on how to recharge your batteries.
6. Eliminate the things that were good for a season but no longer work for your new season you are in. What can you eliminate or stop.
7. Reconstruct the life you want on a day by day basis and surround yourself with people that celebrate you.
We’ve all been caught in a rut at various time in our lives.
What are some of the strategies you’ve used to get out of a rut?
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