Leadership isn’t something people are born with – it’s a skill that can be cultivated over time.
Whether you are responsible for leading a large team or simply striving to view yourself as a leader as you work to achieve your personal goals, developing good leadership traits is essential to your success. Honing excellent leadership qualities helps you overcome obstacles, take risks and find ways to live a happy life and thrive even when going through the most challenging times.
This year’s #FLNationalAwards & Summit theme is #DareToLead so we asked our regional finalists to define essential leadership qualities that no leader can survive without. So, our finalists have spoken! Here is an in-depth look at the top 7 leadership qualities that make good leaders.
“I believe that resilience is an important characteristic of a leader. Nothing is ever simple or straight forward, so it is incredibly important that when difficulties occur, leaders have the character to be able to demonstrate emotional strength and positivity to lead their team out of turbulent times.”
Nichola Conlon, CEO, Nuchido Ltd
“For me, it’s to lead with integrity and value differences.
Without integrity no one will believe or trust you, so even if you have other great leadership traits, these will be undermined. It’s hard for people to feel engaged if they don’t see their leaders acting with integrity and following through on commitments.
It’s also important to listen to and value different perspectives and draw on the different strengths of your team for success.”
Heather Buglass, HR Director – Europe & Rest of World, pladis
“For anyone who aspires to be a leader, the most important thing is to give 100%, no matter how menial the job is. Treat people how you would want to be treated and work with people who you like. Make sure you get involved with every aspect of the business, set an example to your team by working in the way you would want them to work and make sure you know their role inside out so you can help, advise and support wherever needed.”
Laura Bounds, Owner & Managing Director, Kent Crisps Ltd
“I think many leaders are lacking the ability to see what is going on outside of their sector, this is because a leader has to stay focused. The most wonderful solutions are multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral, so truly great leaders have the ability to learn and unite efforts for such impactful solutions. You might be a wonderful doctor and leader in your local or national doctors’ community, but you never build mad-tech startups to influence the lives of millions if you are not learning to be an entrepreneur or not learning technological innovations by which your mad solution can be empowered.”
Ulyana Shtybel, Vice President and Chief Capital Officer, HighCastle
“For me, this is the ability to empathise with others. It includes ‘putting yourself in someone else’s shoes’ to try and see their perspective and making time to actively listen to other people’s views before coming to your own conclusion.”
Laura Morris, Director, Trinity McQueen
“Leading (rather than pushing) and inspiring towards a shared goal, humanity, the ability to listen, digest and make considered changes in response to peoples’ feedback. This is what I think a great leader should.”
Clare Matysova, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Manager, University of East London
“Be your authentic self.
Make time for your team AND yourself.
Build relationships. Set time aside at regular intervals that suit your business to talk honestly with your team one to one. I can’t shout enough on how important one to ones have been throughout my career – both ways – get to know each person, as well as you, know yourself and let them understand you in the same way. Really listen and really care, it opens up so much of a gateway for collaboration, high performance and happiness in teams.
Look after your own wellbeing and happiness both in and of out the office. It just doesn’t work otherwise.”
Emma James, Director of Support Services and Business Operations, McGoff Group
This is a very exciting time of the year here at FL as we celebrate the UK’s most phenomenal female leaders and male agents of change! Find out who made the FL National Awards & Summit shortlist this year and join us for the biggest, brightest and most diverse celebration your region has ever seen. BOOK YOUR TICKETS HERE
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