Do you deserve a pay rise?
“Gender pay gap is like air pollution. Everyone knows it is happening, but they don’t want to admit they are part of the problem.” – The Guardian, 2017
The papers have been full of stories recently on the gender pay gap and the motherhood penalty. The Institute for Fiscal Studies’ research reports that the average difference in pay is 18% and widens markedly after women have children – the motherhood penalty.
This means that the man sat next to you in your office, doing the same or a similar job as you, is probably earning 18% more on average! In fact, this research astonishingly highlights that the gap hasn’t changed at all in the last 20 years. As I’ve said before, the struggle for gender equality and diversity is one that we cannot afford to be complacent about. This is because it can be felt where it hurts the most – in our pockets.
“Yet ask big employers about where the gap has come from and they will inundate you with information about their firm’s diversity schemes, mentoring programmes and parental support. Everyone says they are doing something, and yet here we are. Women still earn significantly less than men on average and progress is laughably slow.” – The Guardian, 2017
Are you able to wait for 169 years?
That’s how long The World Economic Forum predicts it will take us to close the gender gap. Yet, by joining forces, we can get there so much faster. By joining the supportive community of forward thinking women in business we can take matters into our own hands and inspire other women to reach their goals. We believe that together, we can make a difference. Join us to take full control of your career, up your game and advance your skills.
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