Summer Review: Recap & Move Forward

It’s September! Christmas is around the corner! Where has the year gone?

We hope you’ve had a lovely summer! It’s been a hive of activity here as we juggle preparing for our National Awards programme and finding time to enjoy the summer sunshine. We’ve come back refreshed and raring to go!

If you are feeling the back to work blues, then here are a few ideas to help you and hit the ground running.

  1. Review your goals  – Take the opportunity to review your goals, your career, business, family life, where you are, where you are headed and make the necessary changes if it doesn’t excite you.
  2. Make the tough decisions and have the difficult conversations that you have been putting off.  There is no perfect time or solution. Trust your instinct, decide and go for it. You can always change your mind – it a ladies prerogative to change her mind. Ask the tough questions and take back control – you only have one life.
  3. Assess how you spend your time and align it to what you say matters to you. Your time is valuable and very limited make sure you are spending it in a way that aligns your goals. What do you want to achieve and which people do you want to spend your precious time with?

Things will never change until you take a stand to change them for yourself. Have fun!