Do you have a colleague who is always happy? I mean all the time. They come to work happy, they are extra productive, get on with everybody and seem to spot and take advantage of all the right opportunities – sometimes opportunities that were right under your nose but you seem to have missed. We all have these – their happiness can be quite irritating, especially in comparison to our lacklustre existence.
Well research shows that our state of mind and particularly our happiness has a huge impact on how effective we are at work and there is a growing industry in the US and emerging in the UK, that focuses on how businesses can improve general well being of their staff in order to optimise people, productivity and results. As a huge fan of Psychologies magazine, I am really excited to welcome Suzy Greaves, author, speaker and entrepreneur and editor of Psychologies magazine to our next Speaker Lunch where she will offer some useful, practical approaches that will help us get more fulfillment and happiness at work.
This event would be ideal for teams and individuals who are interested in giving themselves that extra edge whilst keeping their smile on! It’s on 1st July at Crafthouse restaurant in Leeds. Suzy grew up in Northumberland, so we are delighted to welcome her back ‘up North’.
Date: 1st July 2015
Time: 12noon – 14:30pm
Venue: Crafthouse Restaurant, Level 5 -Trinity Leeds, 70 Boar Lane, LS1 6HW. Leeds. United Kingdom
Register: Book here!