Emerging evidence gathered by the United Nations suggests that the pandemic and the economic impact is hitting women hardest as women are more likely to be earning less, saving less and holding part-time roles because of their gender.
With schools closed amidst cultures where women still bear the majority of the housework and caring responsibilities, we risk rolling back decades of work done to advance women in the workplace.
We have also seen nations led by women such as New Zealand, Germany, Taiwan, Iceland, Finland, Norway and Denmark faring better than those led and dominated by men.
In countries led by men, the female voices are lost and underrepresented in the fight against COVID-19 and strategies for economic recovery.
So, we have decided to use our voice and our platform to start leadership discussions that include women, to understand how we can bounce back and thrive in this new era.
The world has changed with the pandemic and racial injustice issues we have witnessed recently.
The pandemic has brought inequality to the fore.
We must take an inclusive approach to leadership, not regress into traditional roles that have created the inequalities that men and women now face.
So, as a community, we have gathered some of the brilliant leaders to provide advice, inspiration, support and direction to women for this new era.
The Leadership Summit 2020 is our collective female voices raised. This is a Leaders Summit for women by women. This new era required a new approach to a leadership style that is bold, inclusive and progressive.
Join us, and let’s find strategies and tools for thriving in this new era.
Your voice is needed. Your voice counts. Join us here.