Congratulations once again on your nomination. You should be really proud of yourself as not everyone nominated has made it this far. We are looking forward to meeting you and getting to know you.
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Over the years we’ve seen some of our finalists create amazing opportunities through their nominations. I wanted to give you some ideas about how you can make the most of your nomination.
1. Get a press release about your shortlisting out – send out a press release to your local paper and radio stations. They are always on the look out for inspirational local stories.
Here are Seven must-read DIY PR tips from our award sponsors HSBC.
2. Update your social media profiles and email signatures to show you are shortlisted for an Award. Your followers and supporters will be delighted to congratulate you and to share in your success.
3. Write a blog about your nomination – our last blog about the awards was shared 400+ times!
4. Send out a newsletter announcing your nomination – it’s a great conversation starter and your clients and prospects will be impressed you made it this far.
5. Celebrate with your friends and family. They have been rooting for you and will be delighted to see you go on to even greater heights.
6. Reward your team. They have been in the trenches with you and have helped to get you where you are today. They deserve some recognition too and will appreciate it – MORE HERE.
7. Develop new business and strengthen existing ones by inviting clients and prospective clients to our glittering awards lunches – there are few opportunities where you have their undivided attention over such an inspirational lunch – MORE HERE.
8. Reach out to the other finalists on social media using the hashtag #FLNationalAwards – it’s a great way to build your start building a fantastic support network of peers.
9. Pay it forward by giving your time to support one of our charities: The Mosaic Network or SmartWorks.
10. Become a Premium Member of Forward Ladies, if you are not already and get involved in opportunities to speak and to mentor and be mentored at our regional events – MORE HERE.
11. If you are a small business owner, then take advantage of the support packages offered by HSBC. You never know where it might lead. Check out more HERE.
Congratulations once again and I look forward to seeing you at the awards!