Experts Have Spoken: 11 Tips For Living A Happier Stress-Free Life

If you feel like you are missing a positive mindset or healthy lifestyle, try out some of the tips we gathered from therapists, coaches and psychologists on how to practice good mental health.

1. Catherine Asta, Psychotherapist | Instagram

“We are constantly evolving. Every single day. We outgrow friendships, relationships, jobs, careers, people, places and things. And that’s okay because we all grow individually – in response to the world around us – we are all a work in progress.

If you can’t be you, if you don’t feel like you are living and breathing your potential or you feel stifled and stuck – perhaps consider this – just like a plant that eventually outgrows its pot and needs repotting into one that has room for the roots to grow and expand, that you too need that room to grow new connections and to expand to become the woman you are becoming?

Growth can feel scary. Growth means change.”

2. Phanella Fine, Confidence Coach | Instagram

“That ‘doing your best’ does not mean pushing yourself to a breaking point. So if you’re nearing your limit, consider this a reminder that taking a break will do your career more good right now than almost anything else you could do.”

3. Martine Witter, Therapist | Instagram

“Notice your thoughts and choose what to accept, reject, resist and tolerate. Thoughts create our realities but remember you’re the author of your reality and can choose to minimise or maximise stress.”

4. Rowena Wood, Burnout Coach | FL Profile

“You can’t always avoid external obligations, but you can put in place strategies that can help you stay healthy and well. This is a process that takes time and too much to cover in this article but here are my top 5 micro-steps to make a start on change:

  1. Establish a sleep routine, with a regular time for going to bed and getting up.
  2. Get the negative out of your head before bed! It’s essential to chuck out anything that’s felt negative, draining, or toxic before you go to bed.
  3. Create a ‘device free’ relaxing haven in your bedroom. If you like to read before sleep and use your device, switch it to ‘night’ mode.
  4. Introduce a ‘cut off’ time for reading and replying to e-mails. My personal time is 7 p.m.
  5. Leave a reasonable space of time between eating and going to bed, ideally at least 2-3 hours and try to keep your evening meal light.”

5. Lauren Paton, Coach, Mentor & Energy Healer | FL Profile

“So often we feel like we need to control our emotions. Control our anger. Control our fear. Control our self-doubt. Control our anxiety.

But usually controlling them means not actually feeling them and not allowing them to be processed. That means they stay with us. They get stuck. We’re just squashing them down and hoping that we can ignore them for a bit longer. Sooner or later though, they’ll come out, and by that time they’ve usually become bigger and that’s when they really get in the way.

We need to let go of this idea of controlling them because they aren’t bad. They help us, they teach us important lessons and they show us where we need to pay attention.

Next time you feel it happening, notice the emotion. Name it if you can. Ask yourself – what is this emotion telling me? What do I need to do to release it?”

6. Beaulah Chizimba, Coach | FL Profile

“Try not to feel so alone with the problems you face right now that you forget to ask for help. Vent your frustrations by talking to someone you trust and seek advice. If you think that you have taken on too much work, make a list of the most important things and need to get done in consultation with your colleagues and manager. Many people end up burnt out because they feel embarrassed to go back to their team and communicate that they think they have overcommitted. It is perfectly okay to negotiate new deadlines or ask others to complete the rest of the tasks appropriately.”

7. Ruth Kudzi, Coach | Instagram

“The grass ceiling is your fixed mindset. We can change things when we have a growth mindset. It means we stay open to improving and developing and not using “that’s just who I am” as an excuse not to change.”

8. Charlotte Armitage, Psychologist | Instagram

“Whilst the boundaries of behaviour may not yet be firmly established online, you are able to set your own boundaries in relation to social media use and ultimately decide what feels comfortable for you.

  1. Set periods of time where you will be social media free.
  2. Practice mindful scrolling and learn to become aware of how certain content makes you feel.
  3. Manage your own boundaries including privacy settings; how much of your personal and private information you share and how you respond to others.”

9. Ruth Cooperdickson, Wellbeing and Resilience Coach | Instagram

We don’t always need large acts to bring about change. Even the smallest of our everyday actions and interactions can make a difference.

It doesn’t have to be a tidal wave. It can be a droplet of rain. It can be a sparkle or a lightning bolt. The difference between an open or closed door. The planting of a seed.

Every event in your life, no matter how small, has the power to drive change.

10, Lacy Warne, Psychotherapist | Instagram

We don’t have to live our lives trying to outrun, avoid, shut down emotions! We can feel afraid AND engage in what is meaningful and valuable to us.

A “good life” is not the absence of fear, anxiety, despair, etc. (I actually believe there is so much wisdom and value within the “dark” emotions that can be used to generate healing, but I digress…)

Anxiety tells us to avoid, which makes our life small & constricted. Courage ALLOWS anxiety and takes meaningful action, which expands our freedom and quality of life.

11. Emma Seymour, Hypnotherapist | Instagram

If you look at the last 6 months to a year of your life, how happy are you with the way things are heading? If things keep going the same way, how will that look? And more importantly, how will it FEEL?

The goal is peace of mind. Which might look like sleeping well at night, forgiving yourself, being more patient and present with your loved ones, and less-loved ones, and with your own beautiful self, too.

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