Award-winning businesswoman, charity founder and TV Personality Kate Hardcastle would like to exclusively invite you to join her and the Bradford Bulls for Ladies Day supporting domestic violence charity, Women’s Aid.
The event will truly be different. We shall start with a parade dedicated to Women’s Aid, and we are inviting as many of you to take part of that as we can facilitate. This will entail walking a Ovictory parade of the ground, in front of the crowds, with banners and flags, making a stance for Women’s Aid. (If you or your charity/business would like to take part in the parade, please email your details to, with an email titled – Parade.)
Every attendee will be asked to wear purple as a tribute to the Women’s Aid colours all those wearing purple will receive a free competition entry to win prizes. The Bradford Bulls team will be wearing a purple tribute to the charity. Our interval entertainment, and also in tribute to Women In Sport will see the best in local female sports talent, enjoying mini matches from some of the up and coming female rugby league stars.
There will be a stirring speech from a Women¹s Aid champion, and domestic violence survivor. Our match day programme & advertising will also be dedicated to the important key facts from Women’s Aid.
Please help by signing up to attend and sending a copy of this email to all your female friends, family, children & colleagues to join us and include this in newsletters. We would encourage you to talk about the event on social media, with the hash tag #WEARPURPLE. After our initial guest list is filled, there will be a significantly reduced entry fee for every woman and child who joins us on this special day. We will make this link available to you when available.
I truly hope you can be there, if you are unable to help us on this very special day, please text BULLS to 70500 today, to donate £5 to Women’s Aid and help them continue their vital work.
If you have a business & service, who would like to help and also benefit from media exposure, please contact us and read through the list of ways to help.
As advertising & promotion of the match will be dedicated to those involved, businesses that help will benefit from exposure in a wide reaching publication and video board messaging.
We need assistance and help in the following areas:
Donation of items for the 10,000 Goody Bags – a minimum of 1000 items – literature can be included.
Donation of prizes for the competition – need to have a value of £250+ – hotel stays, meals, experiences, gifts etc
Donation of 10,000 bags for the Goody Bags – this will include your brand & logo printed and distributed
Companies that have a brand colour of purple & would like to get involved in our purple parade
Donation of new purple hoodies, in a variety of sizes
Printing & leaflet production
(If you or your charity/business would like to take part in this, please email your details to, with an email titled – Donations”.)
Companies who would like to bring a stand/stall & get brand publicity at the event
(If you or your charity/business would like to help, please email your details to, with an email titled – Stand”.)
3 Match Day Gold Sponsors and discounted corporate match day entertainment (If you or your charity/business would like to take part in this, please email your details to, with an email titled – MatchDay/Corporate”.)
Professional entertainment that would like to donate performance on the day, (If you or your charity/business would like to take part in this, please email your details to, with an email titled – Entertainment”.)
Thank you & see you on 17th May.
Kate Hardcastle
Complimentary tickets are limited 1 per attendee.
Additional tickets are available for purchase.
Terms and conditions apply – contact us on 08448 711 490 for full details.