Powerful Female Leaders: 6 Incredibly Inspirational & Uplifting Videos From FL Awards & Summit

Through the years we have had some brilliantly inspirational speakers on our stages. Some brought us to tears and others gave us stitches on our side. Here are 6 incredibly inspiring keynotes:

Lara Oyesanya, General Counsel & CRO, Contis

Jo Fairley, Co-FOunder, Green & Black’s

Nicky Pattinson, Advanced Business Connection Expert

Petra Wetzel, Founder, WEST Brewery

Linda Plant, The Apprintice Interviewer

Dale Murray, Non-Executive Director, Xero

The mother of all awards is officially back! 

Celebrating all women in business across the UK and beyond, this global competition is open to established leaders, corporate leaders, male agents of change, rising stars and the companies that support women.